There are many specialties that Address Our Mess deals with on a daily basis and Organization and Sorting is one of the most important aspects to keeping a home or building clean. Address Our Mess not only comes in to clean you home but we help you go through the items and sort through all the unwanted items and all the items that you feel you want to throw away or give to charity.
Address Our Mess works with hoarders and hoarding families to make sure your home and situation is as comfortable as possible. Our hoarding organizing experts and case managers work with the hoarder to make sure we cleanup your home properly so you can have a healthy environment to stay and have other people over. The company is certified and trained to work in hoarding situations, we are not a professional organizer but we sometimes work with them to complete a project to the client's request. Our Case Manager's are compassionate and helpful, they have the expertise to complete a project and make sure the hoarders organized and our hoarding service has been recommended by many organizations and news channels.
Organizing and Sorting
Address Our Mess services include:
- An assigned case manager that will “ hold your hand “ through the whole process
- No judgment’s will be made
- Professional, compassionate and caring experts to get you to your goals
- Supplies needed for organizational projects ( boxes, labels, etc)
Complete Hoarders Home Reorganization
No more endless searching for misplaced items! The team will organize all the rooms in your home. Each room will be analyzed and set up to suit your own personal needs and to make sure you can keep the room in tip top shape in the future.
Household Clean Out Projects
The company specializes in cleaning an entire home full of items and making it like new again so you can invite guests and family back into your life. Not only do we clean out and organize hoarders homes but we bring it back to a sanitary condition.
Moving and Relocation Projects
Planning to relocate? Address Our Mess will save you the money and hassles of moving unwanted items. We will help get your house ready to sell and set up your new home efficiently. Services include packing, home staging, unpacking and setting up all the rooms in your new home.
Address Our Mess understand that the items in your home isn’t junk or trash. We understand that there are items that have meaning to you. We understand that a plan must be in place before we start, so that your needs and emotions are considered to get your home into a livable condition.
The company has experts to help find lost items of value and sort hoarders in a way that they can keep items they find sentimental or important. Organizing hoarding situations is not an easy task, but our staff has been doing it for years and has the experience to complete it correctly.
Address Our Mess and its sister company SI Restoration have been in business since 1989. We are fully insured and have certificates of insurance available upon request.