Address Our Mess specializes in Hoarding Clean Up, our staff knows how to relate and treat a hoarder. Hoarding Clean Up is a serious issue, and dealing with the hoarder and realizing what the reasons they have become a hoarder is important to solving the hoarding issue. Our employees know how important it is to work with the hoarder for the hoarding clean up situation.
Address Our Mess specializes in Hoarding Cleanup and Clutter Cleanup, our staff is trained in hoarding behaviors and compassionate cleaning. Hoarder cleanup services involves not just cleaning but also dealing with hoarding behaviors to ensure the person who needs hoarding cleaning services is comfortable and is communicated with to make the process go smoother.
How Address Our Mess's Hoarding Cleaning Services are Different
An assigned case manager that will help “ hold your hand “ through the whole process
hoarding behavior trained cleaning staff
No judgments will be made of the hoarders or situation
Discreet Cleaning Services including unbranded trucks
Understanding that communication is key to the cleanup process
No conversations with anyone except you or your designated representative
Case managers to facilitate the cleaning with anyone that is needed and authorized such as hoarding therapist, family members, or any other professional help members
Each hoarding cleanup case is different and should be treated differently
Sorting and organizational service for the hoarders items
Dumpsters and trucks available for hauling unwanted items
Property damage and unsafe pests may be present and our cleaners are experienced in working and looking for signs to ensure a safe cleaning
Professional Hoarder Cleanup Service
Hoarding cleaning comes down to many aspects but when searching for a professional cleaning company, always consider what the company specializes in doing as a major service. Maid services are professionals who specialize in cleaning the house by vacuuming, using cleaners to disinfect and remove grease, and pickup minor clutter on the floor. A junk removal company specializes in removing large areas of clutter that are almost all items that need to be removed but don't clean and generally don't sort through the clutter. Hoarding is a sensitive subject where communication is key and the clutter can sometimes be considered treasure to someone with a hoarding disorder. The hoarding cleaning can be a traumatic event, full of stress and without training on how to communicate with compassion and work with an environment of clutter, it can be slow or even shut down abruptly. The dangers of a hoarding environment can also hazardous to work around with potential structural damage and pests so a hoarding cleaning company is best as they have experience and the proper insurance for such a cleaning. This is why Address Our Mess was created, to specialize with hoarders or just massive cleanup situations. The team is trained specifically for clean up situations with individuals with many items or individuals who just want to remove items from the home. If you are or aren't a hoarder but have a lot of stuff to get rid of, contact us to discuss your cleaning needs.
If you are a hoarder and feel ashamed and embarrassed of the condition you live in you're not alone. It is estimated that 2-5 % of people in the world has some degree of hoarding issues. According to the US Census there are 311 million people living in the United States. Instead of using the 2-5 % estimate let's assume there is only 1% of the USA population that has hoarding issues. That means there are 3 million people who live in some hoarding situation that may need help. The reason you don't know this is because hoarders hide their condition and are embarrassed if the public knew. Hoarders tend to hide their clutter from the outside world which includes family and relatives of the hoarder.
Discreet Clean Up Services
Address Our Mess is a professional hoarders cleaning and organizational expert that specializes in cleanup services. Unlike a traditional junk hauler that has junk cleanup written all over their truck advertising to the world your condition, Address Our Mess is committed to protecting your privacy. Privacy is important when dealing with hoarders cleaning help and our goal is to transform your living condition into a respectful living space that you can be proud to bring your friends and family back. Best of all we have the processes to prevent others from ever knowing you had an issue in the first place. Imagine having family and friends over to visit, cook for, and just to hang out and watch television.
Understanding The Hoarder
Address Our Mess understands that the possessions in your home aren't junk or trash. Understanding that these are items which have meaning to you. We understand that a plan must be in place before we start, so that your needs and emotions are considered to get your home into a livable condition. The company is fully insured and has certificates of insurance available upon request. The company is rated well on BBB and has customer testimonials to back up our hoarding cleaning work.
Hoarders Cleaning services are for the removal of "stuff" from the house with trained and expert technicians who are professional and compassionate towards the hoarders cleaning situation. If needing a hoarders cleaning quote, don't be afraid to contact us for a free estimate without any obligation or strong sales pitch.
The Cost of Hoarding Cleanup
Cleaning services are usually quoted in terms of hours of services needed or a flat fee based on a project that based on the amount of clutter such as a junk removal, but hoarding cleaning services are a bit different. Each hoarding cleaning is different and depends on how much sorting and organizing is needed as there may be a few hours devoted going through storage looking for sentimental items or finding items such as valuables. When requesting a hoarding cleanup or clutter cleaning services, let us know of your desired goals and we can work from there or schedule an estimator to see the hoarding situation to price the clean up.
Hoarding Behavior Therapy
Hoarding cleanup doesn't always start at the cleaning process. Sometimes it requires a bit of hoarding therapy to get to the point where the hoarder is open to clean up services. We have our state pages with various resources such as therapist in that state, please visit our cleanup team page to see a list of therapist or other professionals that specialize in hoarding behavior.