Before you answer the question, should I hire a professional organizer? You have to answer this question, what are my cleaning and organization needs?
What Are My Cleaning and Organization Needs?
To get the answer to this question ask yourself these yes or no questions:
- Is it hard to decide if I should keep certain items or not? (Yes / No)
- Have I ever been taught basic organization techniques? (Yes / No)
- Have I ever been taught basic cleaning techniques? (Yes / No)
If the answer to any of those questions is yes then you should consider hiring a professional organization and cleaning company because it will be worth your time and effort to go through the cleaning and organization process with professionals.
Conclusion: Should I Hire a Professional Organizer?
Anyone who has trouble deciding whether to keep an item or not, and or does not have good organization and or cleaning skills, should consider hiring a professional organizer. Cleaning and organizing is never an easy task and at times can be very stressful, which is one of the reasons why people avoid cleaning and putt it off, adding stress. Your quality of life can be improved greatly if you follow the procedures given to you by professional organizers because an organized home leads to a more productive life. If you have trouble deciding whether to keep an item or not and or do not have good organization and or cleaning skills then you should consider hiring a professional organizer.
Here is where Address Our Mess would come into the picture, we have professionals who can pick potential items of worth out of the pile and put them to the side for you, teaching you cleaning and organization techniques and best practices along the way. Address Our Mess is able to:
- Go through each room that you would like to better organize using the Three Container Method (keep, remove, and donate piles)
- Once you've thrown initial items away you need to go further with some help in order to conclude what needs to stay in your possession and what you would be better off letting go of (ex: tax forms you've been saving for 20 years, even the government considers them useless because they only check back as far as 7 years). Go through them quickly and give yourself a time limit for each box or area). Remember that it may be useful or worth something but unless you use it, it is not worth the space to keep it
- Donate items to someone who really needs to use them
Find a company that will donate your useful items to a charity or a local shelter who can use them and take them with a smile. Items should not be allowed to waste away in your home unused
Rules to Keep Hoarders Organized:
- Anything you buy from now on should be preceded by throwing away another item before the purchase of the new item
- Sort through your items consistently using the Three Container Method by sorting them into keep, remove, and donate piles
- If an item is found out of place then it should be returned to its rightful place or thrown out or given away
For more information on a compassionate and caring cleanup company please call us at 410-589-2747 for more information on hoarding cleanup, clutter cleaning, junk removal, and professional organization & sorting services.