Address Our Mess Official Hoarding Levels List
The levels of hoarding guide is here to provide help provide assistance with determining how severe your hoarding situation may have become. Only use this hoarding levels as a guide to help you to get to where you need to be with the cleanliness of your home. Considerations should be taken when doing a hoarding cleaning project, Address Our Mess is here to help. Hoarding Levels Guide Below:
When faced with the hoarding condition, either as a hoarder yourself or as a bystander to the difficult life of someone you know, it can be difficult coming to grips with how severe the situation has become. Discovering just how dangerous your particular hoarding condition is can literally mean the difference between life and death.
With over twenty years of experience and knowledge, Address Our Mess has developed the Levels of Hoarding Guide. This unique chart takes viewers through a visual journey that will help them determine just how dire a particular hoarding situation has deteriorated into. By determining the proper Level of Hoarding, hoarders and their helpers will be able to plan a course of action which will lead to a successful recovery.
Depending on the type of “Hoarding Symptoms” a person or family may face on a regular basis, Address Our Mess experts have categorized the Levels of Hoarding from Mild to Life-Threatening. Each Level of Hoarding requires a unique, and in some cases more direct, approach to creating a happier, healthier lifestyle.
Mild cases of hoarding go beyond typical clutter and minor dusting. Mild hoarders stack objects and clutter so high that it blocks key entrances and exits to livable areas of the home. These blockages reduce functionality of the respected living space while causing fire and evacuation hazards. In some mild hoarding cases, broken appliances could also hinder the livability of the home. Clutter cleaning services can help a person or family get back on track quite easily as Mild is the lowest Level of Hoarding.
Serious hoarding situations more than likely require the services of hoarding clean up. Serious hoarding conditions share all of the same attributes as Mild hoarders along with additional dangers and hazards that can cause injury or illness. Broken HVAC, Air Conditioning, and/or heating systems can be a great detriment to a person or family forced to live in extreme weather conditions. Due to the neglect of the property, rodents, vermin, and insects will usually nest in the home. The personal neglect of the hoarder coupled with the nesting of the vermin can cause major structural damage to the property which can lead to serious injury or accidents. These vermin also carry a plethora of diseases and allergens, making the hoarded home a hotbed for illnesses.
Extreme hoarders not only need typical hoarding cleaning services, but more than likely need the services of an animal hoarding cleanup provider. Whether vermin or wild animals make their home in these Extreme conditions, or if domesticated animals are hoarded to obscene levels, Animal hoarding cleanup technicians must be contracted to perform the necessary sterilization process of the property. Along with all of the other dangers that present themselves in Mild and Serious hoarding cases, Extreme Hoarders also have to battle broken plumbing, animal hoarding, and pet and/or human feces, urine, vomit, or blood in the home. These biohazards can cause serious illnesses that, if not tended to properly, can be fatal.
Finally, Life-Threatening Hoarding situations combine all of the symptoms of mild, serious, and extreme hoarding into one dangerous deathtrap. Life-threatening Hoarding conditions almost always involve expired or rotted food, hazardous medication, and other dangerous chemicals or materials in the hoarded home. Explosions, fires, and collapses are just a few of the dangers that lurk in a Life-threatening Hoarding situations. Deadly diseases can also be contracted and spread. Biohazard dangers in these types of hoarding conditions must be addressed immediately before diseases spread beyond the hoarded home and into the community.
Along with the Levels of Hoarding Guide, hoarders and their helpers can also find the answers to many hoarding faqs by reading the Official Hoarding Do’s and Don’ts. This tool will not only help identify the type of hoarding that a person or family may be struggling with, but will help the bond of trust to be built between hoarders and their helpers. This trust will carry the recovery process to a successful end.