The Dark Side of Hoarding: Depression and Its Relation to Hoarding

Depressed hoarder being comforted banner

Hoarding disorder and depression are two different mental health conditions but they are sometimes found in combination with each other. Someone that displays hoarding behaviors may also display symptoms of depression and vice versa.

According to the Anxiety & Depression Association of America Hoarding Is:

“Hoarding is a disorder that may be present on its own or as a symptom of another disorder. Those most often associated with hoarding are obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCPD), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and depression” (Anxiety & Depression Association of America).

Depression is a condition that is characterized by feelings of sadness and worthlessness for extended periods of time ranging from weeks to years on end. In addition to feeling depressed, depression may be accompanied by other signs.

According to PsychCentral, Depression Symptoms Include:

If you’ve experienced most of the following symptoms every day over 2 or more weeks, you might meet the criteria for a depression diagnosis:

  • a persistent feeling of loneliness or sadness
  • lack of energy
  • feelings of hopelessness
  • getting too much or too little sleep
  • eating too much or too little
  • difficulties with concentration or attention
  • loss of interest in enjoyable activities or socializing
  • feelings of guilt and worthlessness
  • thoughts of death or suicide

Depression can look very different from person to person, and the intensity of the symptoms may also vary. Also, if you have depression, you might not experience every symptom” (PsychCentral).

Sometimes, with depression, an individual may be unmotivated to do almost anything, even things they once enjoyed.

Some Typical Examples of Lost Motivation Include:

  • Spending less time with friends and or family
  • Not Getting up in the morning to maintain a schedule
  • Not Maintaining a clean home
  • Not Exercising
  • Not cooking

Comparable to people with depression, those with a hoarding condition may also experience similar crossover symptoms.

Some Crossover Symptoms Between Hoarding & Depression:

  • Lack of energy to clean and or organize
  • Feeling hopeless about the situation
  • Unhealthy eating habits
  • Unhealthy sleeping habits
  • Persistent negative thoughts

If you or someone you know is showing signs of hoarding behavior and depression, it is important to seek mental health treatment. Mental health professionals are a good source to turn to, to address the mental health aspects of both conditions. If the individual has allowed their home to get so unclean and or cluttered that it cannot be done without help, a professional cleaning service is necessary, use a specialty hoarding cleanup service such as Address Our Mess, to safely and efficiently clean and organize the home.

Call 410-589-2747, email, or use our contact us page to reach out to us for more information on our Hoarding Cleanup Service. We are here to help!


Thu, 05/26/2016 - 12:18 by Kenneth Donnelly