Organizing My Life, One Step at a Time.

Organizing My Life, One Step at a Time.

Please read Part 1 first: Who Can Organize Me!

Rule 2: Clean Up and Procedures

Organization and Sorting can be difficult for anyone who has trouble with throwing items away. It's never an easy task, and most times can be very stressful which is one of the reasons that people procrastinate doing it. Whenever I start to clean up my space, it's very personal and I didn't want people who I can't trust to just come into my home and clean it. When I found Address Our Mess they actually had done background checks on all their employees to make sure the person coming into my home was safe and honest.

Our items are personal, not just anyone should come into our homes and deal with our items. Now after the sorting has been going well and I've released many items I thought I could never get rid of, the days are getting easier. There are still many items left and they must go so I've chosen a charity and I'm donating all of them. I trust the employees of Address Our Mess to decide what is of value and donate them and what is worthless and throw those items away. It's very difficult to watch so I'm in another room trying to relax and answering questions of items that they feel I should keep. The clean up is going well but now I must put procedures in to stay organized.

There are a few things which they've told me I should make rules, anything I buy from now on must make another item be given away or thrown away immediately after the purchase of the new item. This is the biggest rule or staying organized, I follow it and have written down in various places throughout my home. Not only has the stress of not buying these items went away but my bank account has increased from staying away from buying items that I really don't intend to use.

The quality of life has improved greatly for me because of the procedures given to me to follow and they help me to keep in an organized home. The items are labeled and the boxes are full enough to where I must throw something away if I bought something new. Watching tv, without having items laying on the floor is a pleasure and the air quality in my home has improved as well. One of the procedures to follow is to not allow any item to be displaced and any item not in it's proper place must be given away or thrown out immediately (or returned, if possible).

I'm hoping these two simple rules have helped you to realize and have a process to clean your home and if you need any help please contact Address Our Mess at the number above as they will come out and help you access a better quality of life.

Sat, 04/21/2012 - 16:00 by Kenneth Donnelly