Neglected Residence Clean Up

Residence Cleaning For Neglected Home

Neglected Residence Cleaning

When dealing with a neglected residence individuals must understand there are factors that must be considered before even purchasing the property itself. One of the first items on that list is to assess and to assume that the former occupants may have been mad and in a hurry. When looking inside the home for the first time do not be perturbed by what you see. Often times you might see feces on the wall, broken furniture, smashed in walls, and left over items that were possibly forgotten about or had no time to collect.

Once stepping into the home you may become overwhelmed with the stench that might be exuding from a multitude of different places. With a professional deep cleaning this stench can be removed from the property’s flooring and walls. Also, the various biologically hazardous materials that need to be cleaned off the walls a professional deep cleaning company can handle. However, the person must continue to look for more damage issues that were wrought upon the property.

Seeing that these individuals who were unwilling to lose their home and once they discovered there was no hope in attempting to save the home, often they opted to damage the property. This can explain why you might see holes in the wall, cabinets destroyed, toilets, and pipes broken. Address Our mess has handled these types of situations on numerous occasions and specialize in bringing the property back up to standards.. With a fully equipped staff we are able to handle the rebuilding aspects in many residential properties that have been damaged, via foreclosure, estate, abandonment, or just in general vacancy.

With the slowing down of the foreclosure market and the return to economic normalcy in our nation more and more of these properties will be coming on to the market. Many of these banks are not landlords and with no one living in the properties the maintenance of the homes have been neglected over an extended period of time. Here at Address Our Mess we can help you in dealing with a neglected home you are looking to fix up and live in the future.


Wed, 10/22/2014 - 12:27 by Kenneth Donnelly