Compulsive Hoarding Cleaning

Obsessive Compulsive Hoarding Cleaning

Compulsive Hoarding has gained notoriety of late thanks to exposure on television and in the media. Though many sufferers struggle with hoarding on a daily basis – an estimated 2-5% of the United States population – compulsive hoarding was never considered as its own illness by traditional mental health professionals. Thankfully, compulsive hoarders and their families can find peace in knowing that help is on the way thanks to the revision of the American Psychiatric Association’s update to the DSM-V (May 2013).

The update to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders will allow compulsive hoarding to step out of the shadows of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and highlighted as a category of its own. This is great news for hoarders because more time will now be spent on the development of new treatments, research and education on the subject.

Compulsive Hoarding can take over and cripple a person’s everyday life. Address Our Mess’ Levels of Hoarding not only assists hoarders in determining how severe their issue is, but can also show the ways in which a minor hoarding situation could turn serious. In most cases, the more severe the hoarding issue is within the home, the more dangerous it is for the occupants. And make no mistake, the dangers can be life threatening.

compulsive hoarding cleaning, hoarding cleanup,

Address Our Mess offers people a unique first step in the compulsive hoarding recovery process. Our hoarding clutter cleaning services are designed to help people get back on track to creating a safer, healthier environment. Our technicians are trained and certified through Cory Chalmers, resident expert on A&E’s Hoarders, providing hoarders and their families peace of mind in knowing that the job will be done right. Our staff will provide intimate, discrete and efficient service, putting the home owner in complete control of the project.

Once the first step to a healthier lifestyle is complete, compulsive hoarders will have many more resources to turn to for life after initial cleanup thanks to the publication of the DSM-V. We will also make sure to provide additional organizational and sorting tips to help keep the home safe, happy and healthy for years to come.

 Compulsive Hoarding Clean Up and other hoarding cleanup services are offered through Address Our Mess Cleaning. Call today for a consultation and estimate.

Sun, 04/22/2012 - 14:46 by Kenneth Donnelly