A Little Clutter to a lot of Clutter

When a little clutter is really a lot of Clutter

Clutter clean up calls or clutter removal services are a service that is needed more and more everyday. In many cases homeowners or business owners will refer to their clutter mess when they feel unorganized and see “ stuff “ in the home that may be in the wrong places or may not need to be there at all. In this situation a professional organizer may be the solution. If your “clutter mess” is just removing a few items and some organizing of everything else, professional organizers are great.

The problem that has occurred in many cases is that the little clutter you may think is there is actually a massive clutter. The house is filled from wall to wall with items and in some cases the wall to wall clutter can be 3 feet or higher. This is where a clutter clean up company may be a better solution.

A clutter cleaning company is different from a junk removal service. A junk removal or junk hauling service removes junk. In clutter situations, the clutter may look like junk to the outsider, but to the owner there is real emotional attachment to these items. In certain cases clutter clean up situations have involved wall to wall piles of trash. But as you look at the trash carefully , you will see patterns of the same things. Some cluttered homes have thousands of cigarette boxes piled in the trash. Others have McDonald wrappers. Now were not talking about a hundred, but hundreds if not thousands of Mcdonald wrappers and cigarette boxes.

A junk removal service is in the business of removing junk and will treat the wrappers and cigarette boxes as trash and junk. But the clutter person didn’t “collect” these items because they were too lazy to throw them out. Actually these items have some type of emotional connection. Every severe clutter-er has different reason for holding on to these items which may be considered trash or junk or yes even clutter. Some reasons could be emotional connections that range from a good time they once had, to a person touching or owning these items.

There was an elderly person who collected newspapers. The newspapers were in such a state of disorganization that is was impossible to enter the home. The reason for the clutter of newspapers was the fact that her daughter was a newspaper writer for the newspaper. She died a few years back, and the way to keep her daughter close to her was to surround herself with the newspaper she wrote for. Sadly the small pile of newspapers grew to a major clutter, making the home unsafe as you can imagine.

If a junk hauler or junk removal company came in and threw everything out, without working and understanding why the clutter-er created this situation, it would have created a psychological problem and possibly have killed her at her age.

Instead as a clutter clean up consultant, the situation was first handled by discussing with the homeowner why we had to do what we needed to do. The solution was to get downloaded disks of the actual newspapers from the past few years. This knowledge created a calm reaction to the clutter removal process and was a better relief when the woman came home.

Other clutter clean up situations can be a combination of thousands of different items from papers, cookbooks, gifts from the Home Shopping Network, etc. The non clutter friend or relative may not even understand why the person created a need to have a clutter cleanup. This is even more reason for a clutter clean up consultant and professional team handle these situations, versus a junk removal service. The important lesson is to realize that a small clutter clean up situation is a lot different from a large clutter clean up situation.


Wed, 05/02/2012 - 16:23 by Kenneth Donnelly